annual obligations of associations

Utah HOAs are required to do certain things annually.

All associations (except developer-controlled associations) are required to do the following:

  • Provide Reserve Analysis or Update.  Annually, an association must provide owners a summary of the most recent reserve analysis or update performed pursuant to Section 57-8a-211 for community associations, and Section 57-8-7.5 for condominium associations.
  • Reserves Line Item in Budget.  In formulating its budget each year, an association must include a reserve fund line item in an amount the board determines, based on the reserve analysis, to be prudent, or if a higher amount is required by the governing documents in

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16-6a-701. Annual and regular meetings
57-8-7.5. Reserve analysis -- Reserve fund
57-8a-211. Reserve analysis -- Reserve fund
57-8a-215. Budget
HOA resources and laws annotated
HOA resources and laws annotated