16-6a-106. Forms

(1) (a) The division may prescribe forms or cover sheets for documents required or permitted to be filed by this chapter.
     (b) If the division prescribes a form or cover sheet pursuant to Subsection (1)(a), the division shall provide the form or cover sheet on request.

(2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1):
     (a) the use of a form or cover sheet is not mandatory unless the division specifically requires the use of the form or cover sheet; and
     (b) a requirement that a form or cover sheet be used may not:
            (i) preclude in any way the inclusion in any document of any item that is not prohibited to be included by this chapter; or
            (ii) require the inclusion with the filed document of any item that is not otherwise required by this chapter. 

Enacted by Chapter 300, 2000 General Session

HOA resources and laws annotated
HOA resources and laws annotated